❯ Guillaume Laforge

GR8Conf: the European conference dedicated to the Groovy ecosystem is back!

The GR8Conf is back! A conference dedicated to Groovy, Grails, Griffon, Gradle, Spock and more! This second edition of the conference takes place in Copehagen, Denmark, again like last year. And it’s solely dedicated to the Groovy Ecosystem, and all the GR8 technologies based on it.

Over two days, in a single track (to avoid missing important sessions because of too much choice), you’ll hear about:

  • the Groovy dynamic language for the JVM
  • the Grails web application stack based on Spring, Tomcat and Hibernate
  • the Griffon swing application framework for rich desktop applications
  • the Gaelyk lightweight toolkit for easily developing and deploying small applications to Google App Engine
  • the Gradle build solution system
  • the GPars parallel library for Groovy

And some advanced talk on:

  • how to use Grails for the mobile web
  • how Grails works under the hood
  • how we’re working on Groovy’s core system
  • how to do advanced meta-programming with Groovy
  • how to use IntelliJ IDEA to develop with those GR8 technologies

There will also be a pretty interesting case study, on how European Patent Office has leveraged the Groovy dynamic language on its platform, showing once again how Groovy is used for serious enterprise work.

As the agenda there’s a lot of very rich content for everybody on all those projects, and all those presentations are done by the makers, leaders and experts of these projects themselves! To name a few of the speakers:

  • Jochen Theodorou - Groovy Tech Lead
  • Graeme Rocher - Grails Project Lead
  • Andres Almiray - Griffon project lead
  • Sébastien Blanc - Developer of a mobile Grails plugin
  • Hubert K. Ikkink (Mr. HaKi) - the famous G&G blogger with tons of great tips
  • Hamlet D’Arcy - Groovy committer
  • Hans Dokter - the founder of Gradle
  • Vaclav Pech - lead of the GPars project
  • Philippe Delebarre - from the European Patent Office
  • Søren Berg Glasius - the organizer of the conference
  • Guillaume Laforge (yours truely) - Groovy Project Manager

With excellent content, star speakers, friendly sponsors, in a nice European location, you really can’t afford missing this great event if you’re interested in Groovy related technologies!

I’m looking forward to meeting you there, so please, register now