❯ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy 2.4.0-beta-4

This is with great pleasure that we are announcing the release of Groovy 2.4.0-beta-4.

The highlights for this release are:

  • a rewritten JsonBuilder for improved performance in JSON generation
  • a @SelfType annotation for traits
  • a new variant of GStringTemplateEngine capable of handling strings larger than 64k
  • improved support for overloaded setters
  • lots of bugfixes (some of which are backported in the upcoming 2.3.8 release)
  • a new naming convention for closures

The last point is important if your project somehow relies on the name of the closure classes as it is a potential breaking change. The reason for the new scheme is detailed here.

You can download Groovy in our download area: http://beta.groovy-lang.org/download.html

You can consult the JIRA change log: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10242&version=20612

Thanks for your feedback and contributions!

Note that we are likely to change the scope of the 2.4 to exclude macros. There’s still a lot of work and discussion to be done on that topic, making it incompatible with our target for a 2.4 release. This feature is likely to be delayed to Groovy 2.5.