❯ Guillaume Laforge

Groovy presentations at conferences

Last week, I was in London for the JAX London 2013 conference. I gave a presentation on what makes the Groovy programming language… groovy! It’s essentially an introduction to Groovy, its language constructs, its ecosystem, etc. It’s not focusing particularly on new features or on metaprogramming, but tries to bring the audience to the boilerplate killer that is Groovy. I’ve posted the slides on SpeakerDeck and I embed them below:

I also had the chance to do a special speech at the London Java Community night during the conference about some (obvious) advice I could give developers, that I learnt through my working in Open Source, on the Groovy project, etc, illustrated with some quotes that I like. Again, slides embedded below:

And last but not least, I also wanted to mention that my presentation on the Groovy 2.x line from SpringOne2GX had just been posted to InfoQ.