❯ Guillaume Laforge

A five-sided prism polarizing Web API development

At GlueCon, I presented about the 5-sided prism that polarizes Web API development:

How do you tackle your API development? Are you diving head-first in the code to get something quickly out the door? Do you start by defining the API contract, that you’ll share between your teams and the consumers? Perhaps you prefer to describe your acceptance tests, explaining the behavior you expect from your API. But if you’re a storyteller, you’ll probably write some use cases, scenarios, to have a better feel for what your API is all about, and how your users will take advantage of it. Or simply, you already have data lying around that wants to set free, and be exposed restfully to the world.

In this session, Guillaume Laforge, Restlet’s Product Ninja & Advocate, will highlight different approaches to Web API development, along with their pros & cons. Whether you’re starting with code, a contract, tests, documentation, or data, you’ll get a glimpse of light into the tasty book of API development recipes.